If you are looking to increase your breast size, breast augmentation surgery is the most popular option. Breast augmentation is shown to improve women’s body image and increase self-esteem. However, all of these incredible benefits are more likely when you have the right surgeon to guide you through the process.
It is important to consult with a board certified and experienced plastic surgeon to perform the procedure. Once you have met with your plastic surgeon, make sure to ask them your questions and make your goals for your breast augmentation clear.
Here are three important topics to discuss with your plastic surgeon before undergoing a breast augmentation.
1. Type of Breast Implant
In order to perform the augmentation, implants will be placed under your breast tissue or chest muscle. When it comes time for your surgery, you have several options to choose from for your implants. Below is a quick rundown of the most popular kind to use. Make sure you speak with your doctor about which ones would be best for you.
Silicone Implants
Silicone implants were the first devices created for augmentation procedures. There are many benefits to silicone implants.
These include:
- Feel more natural
- Less rippling
- A natural look
However, silicone implants and the FDA have had a complicated past with it being approved, disapproved, and then approved again. Speak with your plastic surgeon about your personal health history and the possible risks before selecting silicone implants.
Saline Implants
Developed after silicone, saline implants are often considered the safer option for breast implants. Here are some of the benefits of saline implants:
- Easier to adjust size intra-operatively
- A more rounded look
- With a rupture the saline is absorbed by the body harmlessly
Saline implants are approved for patients under 22 years old (unlike silicone breast implants). Since the saline is absorbed after a rupture there is no chance for a “silent rupture” that can occur with silicone implants. If that is a concern, or you are under 22, then saline implants may be the best option.

2. Breast Augmentation Incision
In addition to choosing the kind of implant, you and your plastic surgeon will also decide on the best breast augmentation incision type.
Through the incision made to your breast, the implant will be inserted and placed in your breast. Selecting a breast augmentation incision type that both works with your breast implants of choice and your body are best.
Here are the types you’ll be able to choose from:
- Inframammary fold (at the base of the breast)
- Periareolar incision (outer edge of the nipple, between the darker skin and the rest of your breast)
- Trans-axillary incision (underarm incision)
These are the most common choices for incision types. All three are proven to be safe incision locations, so it truly comes down to the preference of you and your plastic surgeon.
3. Breast Augmentation Recovery Time
Your breast augmentation recovery time may vary based on your personal health. We have a general estimate of breast augmentation recovery time for you to follow. Use this as a guide when asking your plastic surgeon about your personal estimated recovery time.
- Some pain and pressure for the first 2-3 days after the surgery. Breasts may be sensitive to the touch and there will be swelling.
- Pain and swelling fade over the next week after surgery.
- You should feel very little pain or discomfort 3-4 weeks after surgery. Continue following recovery instructions from your doctor and only perform exercises as directed.
- 5-8 weeks after surgery, you can resume normal daily activities with the permission of your doctor.
Once you have made the decision to get breast augmentation surgery, you need to consider implant type, incision type, and recovery time. To make the right decisions and understand the recovery timeline ahead of you, make sure you speak openly and honestly with your plastic surgeon.
Asking these questions of your plastic surgeon ahead of time will save you a lot of confusion and worry when undergoing your surgery!
Schedule Your consultation
Schedule a consultation with San Diego breast augmentation surgeon Dr. Katerina Gallus at Restore SD Plastic Surgery today!
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