The San Diego board certified plastic surgeon works to bring female plastic surgeons and trainees together to narrow the gender gap in plastic surgery.
SAN DIEGO, Dec. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — San Diego board certified plastic surgeon Katerina Gallus, MD, FACS organized a luncheon for Women Plastic Surgeons at the American Society of Plastic Surgery annual conference in Atlanta in October. The event reached full capacity, with more than 200 surgeons in attendance. The featured speaker, Dr. Wendy Chen, discussed gender issues in the field of plastic surgery.
“We were thrilled to have a packed room at this meeting,” Dr. Gallus said. “I am honored to help create space for all of us to network, learn, and connect in person, and to introduce more of our colleagues to Dr. Wendy Chen’s advocacy work for female surgeons.”

Dr. Gallus serves as program chair of Women Plastic Surgeons (WPS), which comprises a group of plastic surgeons within the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS). WPS creates opportunities for clinical education and professional networking, as well as interpersonal connections and support among female plastic surgeons. The group aims to improve the gender gap among plastic surgeons: approximately 20% of practicing plastic surgeons are women, despite the fact that 92% of plastic surgery patients are women.
In service of this goal, WPS also holds annual Enrichment Retreats with opportunities for attendees to learn procedure techniques from experts and reconnect with one another.
“As women and plastic surgeons, many of us are managing families, private practice, teaching or other professional work, and still continuing to grow with the ever-evolving field of plastic surgery,” Dr. Gallus explained. “It’s important for us to support one another and connect the next generation of female plastic surgeons with women at the top of our field.”

The next WPS Enrichment Retreat is scheduled for February of 2022. The agenda for the event features three days of seminars on topics like developing a thriving plastic surgery practice and nuances of treating the face, breast, and body. The keynote speaker, breast reconstruction specialist Aldona J. Spiegel, MD, will give a talk about building a legacy as a plastic surgeon.
About Dr. Katerina Gallus
Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Katerina Gallus began her medical career as a United States Navy physician, eventually deploying in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and providing immediate surgical trauma support to wounded soldiers and sailors. She went on to train nearly 100 Navy physicians as Program Director for the Transitional Year Residency and chaired the Plastic Surgery Department at the Naval Medical Center in San Diego for 3 years. Dr. Gallus is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS), The Aesthetic Society, and California Society of Plastic Surgeons, and she serves as program chair of Women Plastic Surgeons (WPS) of the ASPS. She established her practice, Restore SD Plastic Surgery, in San Diego in 2017.
About Restore SD Plastic Surgery
Dr. Katerina Gallus is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and holds over 15 years of experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery. After a 12-year career as a U.S. Navy plastic surgeon, Dr. Gallus established Restore SD Plastic Surgery, which offers plastic surgery and aesthetic services in La Jolla. Restore SD Plastic Surgery is located at 8899 University Center Ln #200, San Diego, CA 92122. The practice can be reached at 858-224-2281 or by visiting
Media Contact: Dr. Katerina Gallus, 858-224-2281