Avéli Cellulite Treatment

Restore SD Plastic Surgery’s female plastic surgeon Dr. Katerina Gallus in San Diego, is excited to be one of the first to offer Avéli for a meaningful and lasting treatment of cellulite dimples. This new technology is a game changer in offering a targeted solution to a common problem.
Most women have cellulite on their body (and hate it), and it is there no matter what your weight may be or how much you work out. There is a reason there are so many cellulite creams and brushes available for sale as a treatment solution. We would all love to have smoother thighs and buttocks, especially when living in sunny southern California—call us for special introductory pricing!

What is cellulite and why do I have it?
We all know cellulite when we see it—a dimple or depression on the surface of the skin. Most commonly, women have cellulite on the buttocks or thighs.
The most significant cause of cellulite is fibrous bands that tether your skin to the underlying subcutaneous tissue. These connective tissue bands are called septa. Some septa are good – they help anchor your skin and protect from skin laxity, but others stiffen or shrink over time and lead to the dimpling effect we see on the surface and call cellulite. Also, know that cellulite doesn’t always signify an overabundance of fat cells, cellulite is a “gift” of genetics and hormones, and you are not alone – up to 90% of women have it!

Other concerns, such as areas of stubborn fat pockets on the body or tissue laxity, are addressed with different technology. It’s important to distinguish cellulite from other concerns, which is why your consultation with Dr. Gallus is so important. Avéli is often combined with SAFELipo and Renuvion skin tightening to improve contour and target lax skin for complete skin rejuvenation.
What is an Avéli cellulite reduction treatment?
Avéli is a minimally invasive treatment that offers a no-nonsense approach to treating cellulite. Dr. Gallus uses a guided wand to identify and release the fibrous bands that cause cellulite from the inside out. Other spa treatments and creams approach cellulite from the surface of the skin and are just not consistently effective; even a strict diet and exercise routine may not be able to reduce cellulite. This single treatment can be done awake or at the time of other surgery and you are back to regularly activity within just a day or two.
Video transcript »
“When polled, over 90 percent of women hate and wish they could get rid of their cellulite. It is such a common complaint, and until recently, we haven’t had a great solution. Avéli is a newly FDA approved procedure for the permanent removal of cellulite from the buttocks and thighs.
This in-office procedure can be done under local anesthetic. It involves using a wand, which has a light at the end so that I’m able to guide to the exact location of the cellulite dimple. Then, it has a little hook, and I pull to make sure that we’re addressing the right dimple and then release a little blade. All of this can be done with just a little bit of local anesthetic infiltrated into the area of concern. Afterward, you just need to wear some leggings, and you can go back to your regular activities in one to two days.
The results are immediate, but there is a little bit of bruising afterward. Most of my patients have some bruising for up to two weeks, and you can feel some firm areas that aren’t visible but definitely palpable for up to a month. You can expect to be bikini ready and have those great results in just 30 days. We look forward to seeing you in consultation to talk more about what Avéli can offer you.”-Dr. Katerina Gallus, RestoreSD Plastic Surgery
How does Dr. Gallus perform Avéli treatments?
Avéli treatments are performed by Dr. Gallus or one of our trained providers on staff using a handheld device to manually target and release the complicated web of septa bands beneath the skin causing cellulite dimples. You can have this treatment under local anesthesia and have the option to take a mild sedative if you have a designated person to drive you home afterward.
With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Gallus is a board certified plastic surgeon and Castle Connolly Top Doctor. She will partner with you to develop a tailored surgical plan that prioritizes your safety and results.
Once Dr. Gallus marks the areas of concern on your skin, an anesthetic injections are used to numb the treatment location. After making a 2 mm incision in the crease under the buttocks so that it is well hidden, Dr. Gallus will guide the Avéli device under the skin directly to the targeted dimples. Once she confirms the culprit septa bands causing a dimple, those septa are precisely released.
Dr. Gallus can confirm the release of the cellulite in real-time so that you have visibly smoother skin right after the treatment is completed. You will then wear a light compression garment for a few days.
How much does Avéli cellulite treatment cost?
The cost of treatment varies depending on the severity of the cellulite and whether the procedure is being done as a stand-alone procedure in the office or in combination with another body contouring surgery under anesthesia. A treatment can cost between $3000 and $6000, but it is best to seek a consultation with Dr. Gallus to have a specific plan of treatment for your body.
How do I know if Avéli is right for me?
If you are a woman in San Diego looking for long-term reduction in cellulite dimples and lumpy skin from a single, minimally invasive in-office treatment, Avéli could be for you! Schedule a consultation with us to determine if you are a candidate.
Video transcript »
Hi, my name is Jamie. I’m 47 years old. I am a respiratory therapist. I have four wonderful boys. We spend a lot of time together. I like to work out. I like to exercise. I run in the summertime a lot. In the winter time, I go to the gym. I spend a lot of time weightlifting. I noticed cellulite back in my high school years, and I would wear leggings under my jeans to kind of offset the dimples of my legs. The biggest problem areas for me are the backs of my legs, my buttocks. The sides of my legs have always been a really big issue for me. Nobody’s ever seen me in shorts, even my children. They don’t see me in shorts. Swimsuits, I’ve never really participated in swimming with my boys. It’s always been self-conscious. I have dresses in my wardrobe that I’ve never worn before, shorts sitting in my closet, and I just don’t have the confidence to wear them because of my cellulite.
So, what I really learned about cellulite is it’s none of the things that I thought it was. It’s just like these little elastic fibers that kind of pull down on your skin, that make the dimpling, that need to just be cut and released, you know, to make your skin look smoother and firmer. I became aware of Avali when I was at my physician’s office, looking into a different procedure, and I saw a pamphlet sitting on her desk. So, I was intrigued, and I was reading it while I was waiting in her office, and I was like, “This might be something that I could do.” My physician told me that I’d be a really good candidate for this procedure. She looked at both of my legs, and she was very excited to be able to take me on this journey, and that I would really get the results that I wanted from this procedure.
Any preparation that I have to do prior to this procedure is literally nothing. It sold me right away that it was going to be little to no downtime at all, and that it will just be done in a regular procedure room. There wasn’t going to be any like being put under, and that I could be in and out within an hour. It was definitely a selling point for me. It sounds like really a dream come true.
And I’m feeling great. I’m seeing the results. I’m about a month out right now. I had little downtime, a little swelling, noticed some rosiness, and then some tenderness, but that has now started to subside. There were no surprises. Everything they told me would happen is what happened. When we went into the procedure area, they actually marked my legs up and they just circled all of the areas that needed to be released. So, after that, I was in agreement with everything looking good. We went ahead and I laid on my stomach on the procedure table, and that’s when they started the injection of the lidocaine. That was the worst part about it, but once you get through that part, you know, everything is numb. It was super laid back. The feeling of it was just more of like a tugging, just somebody tugging at your skin, but you felt absolutely nothing. I got right up and put my pants on, and I was done. I went home, and I actually went to work that night. So, it was great for post-care.
Some of the things I had to do were tight compression leggings for about a week. I was instructed to, like, massage my legs in the shower to get rid of some of that anesthesia fluid. But otherwise, any other, like, day-to-day activities, I really had no issues with. The bruising and the tenderness were more prominent on day two when the numbing kind of started to lessen. You know, the effects were more pronounced as the week went along. So, I would say probably day six or seven is when it was at its worst, and then gradually, it would minimize. You could really notice the results after the bruising was gone and some of the swelling went down. I have really noticed that I don’t have the dimples that I had before. I look in the mirror, like, every day now, and I’m just in awe that it’s actually gone, that it’s improved. I would say, like, 90%. I just feel better about myself all around, like knowing that it’s not there because I always felt like people were staring at it. And now, I just feel like it’s gone, and they have no reason to look.
For all the ladies out there that have suffered with cellulite for years and years like I have, I believe that this would be the procedure for you. This has been amazing for me, and it’s been life-changing, and I believe it can be life-changing for you too.
- Key Benefits
- Glossary
- Significant reduction in the appearance of dimpling
- Requires only small incisions and offers a quicker recovery time
- Immediate improvements in the appearance of cellulite, with results that improve over time
- Minimal discomfort during and after the procedure
- Adipose Tissue – Body tissue that stores fat; cellulite appears when this fat pushes against the connective tissue beneath the skin.
- Avéli – A minimally invasive procedure designed specifically for cellulite reduction, targeting the fibrous bands beneath the skin to improve the appearance of dimpling on the buttocks and thighs.
- Cellulite – A skin condition where the skin appears dimpled and textured, often described as having a cottage cheese-like appearance, typically occurring on the thighs, buttocks, and other areas.
- Collagen – A protein in the body’s connective tissue that contributes to skin elasticity and firmness; cellulite treatments like Avéli can stimulate collagen production, enhancing skin quality.
- Connective Tissue – Tissue that supports, binds, or separates other tissues or organs, with specific bands known as fibrous septae playing a role in the formation of cellulite.
- Dimpling – The puckered, uneven skin texture associated with cellulite, caused by fat cells pushing against the skin’s connective tissue.
- Elastin – A protein in connective tissue that allows the skin to resume its shape after stretching or contracting, which can be affected in areas with cellulite.
- Fibrous Bands (Fibrous Septae) – The connective tissue strands that anchor the skin to the underlying muscle, creating the puckered appearance of cellulite when they become tight or inflexible.
- Minimally Invasive – A type of medical procedure that requires smaller incisions and causes less tissue damage than traditional surgery, characterized by quicker recovery times, as seen with Avéli treatment.
- Non-Surgical – Treatments or procedures that do not involve surgery or incisions into the body; Avéli, while minimally invasive, involves minor incisions, distinguishing it from non-surgical treatments that typically refer to completely external therapies.
- Recovery Time – The period required for healing after a procedure; Avéli boasts minimal downtime, allowing patients to quickly resume daily activities.
- Skin Elasticity – The ability of the skin to stretch and bounce back to its original shape; enhancing skin elasticity is a secondary benefit of cellulite treatments like Avéli.
- Subcision – A technique used in cellulite treatment that involves inserting a needle beneath the skin to break up fibrous bands causing skin dimpling, similar to the mechanism of action of the Avéli procedure but performed manually.
- Subcutaneous Fat – The layer of fat just beneath the skin that contributes to the appearance of cellulite when fibrous bands pull down on the skin, creating dimples.
- Treatment Area – The specific part of the body where a medical or cosmetic procedure is performed; for Avéli, common treatment areas include the buttocks and thighs.
Does Avéli only treat cellulite dimples?
Yes. Avéli treatments only target the septa bands under the skin that cause cellulite dimples. It is not a procedure that addresses other concerns often seen alongside cellulite, such as laxity (loose skin) or localized pockets of fat. Avéli treatments are also not cleared for the release of scar tissue or to treat stretch marks on the body. Dr. Gallus will explain all your fat removal and skin tightening treatment options if you’d like to treat concerns other than cellulite.
Combining Other Procedures With Avéli
Video transcript »
“Avéli is a newly FDA-approved procedure for the permanent removal of cellulite from the buttocks and thighs. This procedure addresses those dimples that are caused by cellulite, which are these little fiber septi that connect from your underlying tissue up to the skin. In some patients, this procedure can be done in conjunction with liposuction, which addresses any additional fat. Also, for a complete package, we offer radiofrequency microneedling to address the laxity of the skin, Renuvion treatment to address the laxity of the subcutaneous tissues, liposuction for any localized fat deposits, and Avéli to address the cellulite. We have so many options now that we can really tailor the procedure to meet your goals.
Since this procedure is done in-office under local anesthesia, you can return to your regular activities in one or two days. This means being able to go back to exercise as soon as two days after the procedure. We look forward to seeing you in consultation to talk more about what Avali can offer you.”-Dr. Katerina Gallus, RestoreSD Plastic Surgery
Will I need multiple sessions?
Nope, multiple sessions are not necessary! During a single session, Dr. Gallus can fully and permanently treat the targeted cellulite dimples in the skin on both your buttocks and thighs.
How long does the procedure take?
Typical cellulite reduction treatments will take an hour, including injecting the local anesthesia into the skin and the treatment itself. Exact timing will vary depending on the personalized procedure plan from Dr. Gallus and if it is combined with another procedure.
Is the treatment painful?
Most patients report any discomfort during their Avéli treatments as being very minimal. However, if you’d like, we offer Pro-Nox, a patient-controlled pain management system that allows you to administer your own pain relief during your treatment. Learn more about Pro-Nox here»
Is there any downtime after Avéli treatments?
There is very little downtime after cellulite treatment. Most patients may return to normal activities within 24-48 hours.
Are there any side effects?
In the clinical study, the most common side effects of this cellulite treatment were mild pain within the first 24 hours. Additionally, there was some bruising on the skin and soreness, which typically resolved within the first month. Small areas of skin firmness, usually not visible or painful, typically resolved in a couple of months.
How quickly will I see improvement in my cellulite?
Avéli cellulite reduction results are visible once swelling and bruising subside. By one-month post-procedure, you should begin to enjoy the cellulite treatment results and see smoother skin.

Can I work out or exercise after the procedure?
We recommend that you avoid any strenuous activities or workouts in the first few days after your cellulite treatment to allow your body to heal. Dr. Gallus and her staff provide you with complete post-procedure expectations and recommendations.
How long will the results from my cellulite treatment last?
In the clinical study performed for FDA-clearance, patients demonstrated a lasting reduction in dimpled skin when assessed one year after their treatments.
Your Safety = Beautiful Results
Avéli Cellulite Treatment at Restore SD
At Restore SD Plastic Surgery, patient safety comes first. Board-certified plastic surgeon and former Navy plastic surgeon Dr. Katerina Gallus operates in a private, on-site Quad A-accredited surgery center, with state-of-the-art equipment and LED surgical lighting. She proudly works with a board-certified anesthesiologist and holds privileges at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla.
Schedule your consultation with our expert staff at our San Diego office!
Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Katerina Gallus holds over 15 years of experience as a cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon. Her priority is taking the time to listen to your goals and partner with you to develop the best and safest treatment plan for your body that will optimize your results and leave you looking and feeling your best. To learn more about your body contouring and skin tightening options, schedule a consultation at our San Diego. Call our office at 858-224-2281 or reach out online.
Dr. Gallus also offers a range of facial and body surgery and non-surgical medical spa options for cosmetic facial and body enhancements, such as aesthetic laser treatments for tattoo removal and laser hair removal.
Call to schedule your consult today »
References »
Cellulite. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/17694-cellulite. Updated 10/28/2021. Accessed 4/25/2024.
Cellulite: Symptoms and Causes. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cellulite/symptoms-causes/syc-20354945. Updated 11/21/2023. Accessed 4/25/24.
Avéli Precision Cellulite Release Device: Instructions for Use. Myaveli.com. Accessed 4/25/24.
Layt C. A Study of a Novel Controlled Focal Septa Release Method for Improving Cellulite. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2022 Apr 8;10(4):e4237. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000004237.
Stevens WG, Green JB, Layt C, Kaminer MS, Harrington J, Fan L, Wall H, Fabi S, Magnusson MR. Multicenter Pivotal Study Demonstrates Safety and Efficacy of a New Cellulite Procedure: 3-Month Results. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. 2023 Jan 9;43(1):97-108. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjac179.
Medically reviewed by Dr. Katerina Gallus — Updated on Mar 21, 2025
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